The Future
depends on the stories we share
Our Partner Experience
We sell our Stored to Storied™ Workshops directly to the organizations we partner with, giving you the freedom and flexibility to determine whether you will give the experience as a gift to the workshop attendees, charge the amount to cover the fee or add your own margin so you can generate revenue and/or raise funding for your organization. We help you through this and provide you with a spreadsheet you can use to calculate your return on your investment over time. Wildly Impactful Storybooks™ are not only a great source of passive income,
they are the best testimonials your organization could ever have.
Book a custom package and theme
Select an in-person or online experience
Receive custom marketing materials
Invite up to 20 clients, recipients or donors to attend the workshop, write their story, become a published author and make a difference in the world
Receive your Wildly Impactful Storybook™ and share it with the world
Repurpose your storybook into digital media content and hold a live or online storytelling event to raise awareness and create buzz
We move your invitees (our workshop guests) to take their lived experiences from Stored to Storied™ through private group storytelling workshops that help
them write their story in 3 drafts. We edit and publish their stories into
a Wildly Impactful Storybook™ that supports your organization.Our storybooks are designed to help you create awareness, create compelling online content, promote your work and fund raise through storytelling and book sales.

Founder and Entrepreneurial Health and Well-Being
Foster, Rescue Dogs and Spay/Neuter Organizations
Guided and Responsible Psychedelic Plant Medicine Therapies and Retreats
Menstrual Education and Normalization of Period TalkAre you a values driven organization interested in speaking with us about
creating your Wildly Impactful Storybook™?
Our Workshop Author Experience
The Stored to Storied™ Workshop Experience
You invite them, leave the rest up to us
Our groups are made up of donors and recipients of the good work done by our partner organizations and passionate people who want to write their stories and share them to help spread the positive emotional contagion that connects humanity through storytelling.
Write their story in 3-drafts
The Storied to Storied™ workshop series is dedicated to helping your invitees share their non-fiction stories in a private setting to help condition them for the courageous act of sharing. Developmental Narrative Artist, Ghostwriter and Certified Master Health Coach Stephanie Fee Maschek coaches participants to write their story in 3 drafts. Stephanie serves as the developmental editor before The Wild Larynx publishes their story into a Wildly Impactful Storybook™ filled with the stories created for you and your group. 100% of the proceeds of the sales of the book go to you. Our workshops give your invitees the courage and skills they need to craft their stories, discover the healing benefits of writing and storytelling, become authentic authors of their lives and make a positive impact together, with you.
Developmental Editing
Once the stories are submitted, The Wild Larynx will do the editing and submit it to you for approval before publishing the stories into a Wildly Impactful Storybook™
personalized for your organization
They become published,
Impactful Authors™
The Wild Larynx publishes the stories from your group into a A Wildly Impactful Storybook™ made available to be purchased online. 100% of the proceeds
of the book sales will go to our partner organization.Publishing on Amazon, you will receive approximately 60% of the revenue from book sales.
You determine the sale price of the book.
Don't worry, we will help you through this part of the process.
Our goal is to help you use this book for the greater good.
That means that we want you to have a positive financial return.Each Storybook is uniquely designed in collaboration with select designers and illustrators to ensure the quality of the book. Our goal is for every storybook to be proudly displayed, front and center in the homes of our authors, partners and their supporters.
We all spread the connective
contagion of storytelling
Our partner organizations use their Wildly Impactful Storybook™ to create long and short form online content, live storytelling fundraising events, podcast and video content and more, giving life to the stories that create connection between their mission and their audience.
We can help with work that goes beyond the publishing!